UCT Author-date Reference Guide: based on the Harvard Referencing style


An important characteristic of academic writing is the acknowledgement of other writers’ words or creations through citing and referencing all sources of information used. Citing is the practice of quoting from, or referring to other writers’ works and ideas in one’s own text. Referencing is the listing of the full details of the publications that have been cited, so that the reader can find the original sources. Citing and referencing have long been regarded as indicators of academic writing. This guide will facilitate the learning and understanding of the UCT Author-date referencing style, with practical examples from a wide variety of sources.

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  • Preliminary Pages
    Karin de Jager, Dianne Steele
  • Full Monograph
    Karin de Jager, Dianne Steele


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Author Biographies

Karin de Jager, University of Cape Town

Karin de Jager obtained her PhD at the University of Cape Town. Her research interests include library performance assessment and information literacy. She is a member of the International Standards Organisation Working Group on methods and procedures for assessing the impact of libraries (ISO/TC46SC8WG10), and was a facilitator and coordinator in the Research Libraries Academy, a Carnegie-sponsored programme that aims to develop library research support for young researchers.

Dianne Steele, University of Cape Town

Librarian at the Built Environment Library, University of Cape Town Libraries

Cover Image
10 February 2017

Details about this monograph

Karin de Jager
University of Cape Town
Dianne Steele
University of Cape Town
admin UCT