UCT Open Textbook Journeys
The UCT Open Textbook Journeys monograph tells the stories of 11 academics at the University of Cape Town who embarked on open textbook development initiatives in order to provide their students with more accessible and locally relevant learning materials. Produced by the Digital Open Textbooks for Development (DOT4D) initiative, the monograph contributes towards a better understanding of open textbook production by providing details related to authors’ processes and their reflections on their work. The collection aims to provide rich anecdotal evidence about the factors driving open textbook activity and shed light on how to go about conceptualising and producing open textbooks, and to aid the articulation of emerging open textbook production models that advance social justice in higher education.
UCT Open Textbook Journeys
Preliminary Pages
1: Abimbola Windapo’s Open Textbook Journey
2: Cesarina Edmonds-Smith and Chris Barnett’s Open Textbook Journey
3: Claire Blackman’s Open Textbook Journey
4: James Lappeman’s Open Textbook Journey
5: Jonathan Shock’s Open Textbook Journey
6: Juan Klopper’s Open Textbook Journey
7: Kensleyrao Apajee’s Open Textbook Journey
8: Maria Keet’s Open Textbook Journey
9: Michael Held’s Open Textbook Journey
10: Stella Papanicolaou’s Open Textbook Journey
11: Tim Low’s Open Textbook Journey

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