The Quest for Deeper Meaning of Research Support


Changing pedagogy and rapid growth of enabling technologies has significantly influenced research trends and processes within the higher education research ecosystem. These changes have triggered a series of positive responses from academic libraries such as the re-evaluation of their approach to research support services. The expansion of the suite of research support services such as bibliometrics, systematic reviews, data management, digital preservation and curation, Open Access and open journal publishing have moved the librarian from the periphery to the epicenter of research support. This transition is viewed by many as revolutionary in terms of support for research production.

The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions’ Academic and Research Libraries Standing Committee’s preconference was held in Cape Town, South Africa, between 13 and 14 August 2015. The theme of the preconference was The quest for deeper meaning of research support. There was a blend of papers with young researchers sharing empirical research information while seasoned LIS researchers and practitioners shared ‘best case practices’.

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  • Preliminary Pages
  • Chapter 1: From Research Support to Research Partners
    Ellen Tise, Reggie Raju, Amina Adam
  • Chapter 2: The shape and form of the 21st century academic library, with particular reference to a South African case
    Jeremiah Pietersen, Jaya Raju
  • Chapter 3: Research Support Services in Academic Libraries in Uganda: Challenges and Opportunities
    Robinah Kalemeera Namuleme, Agnes Namaganda Kanzira
  • Chapter 4: Embracing Change, Empowering Scholarship
    Lorraine J Haricombe
  • Chapter 5: Supporting Academic Librarians’ Transition from Generic to Research Dedicated Roles
    Mike Berrington
  • Chapter 6: Research Support by Subject Librarians in Selected State University Libraries in Zimbabwe: Accommodating New Trends
    Notice Pasipamire
  • Chapter 7: Australian Academic Libraries and Research Support
    Jayshree Mamtora, Gaby Haddow
  • Chapter 8: Research Partner and Search Methodology Expert: the Role of the Librarian in Systematic Reviews
    Charlotte Beck
  • Chapter 9: Information Management Solutions for Modern Research and Innovation: Interoperability & Why It Matters
    Matthew Buys
  • Chapter 10: Fostering Collaboration in the 21st Century Research Library
    Elliot Shore, Kathleen Shearer
  • The Quest for Deeper Meaning of Research Support (Full monograph)


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2 February 2016

Details about this monograph

Reggie Raju
University of Cape Town Libraries
Amina Adam
University of Cape Town Libraries
Glynnis Johnson
University of Cape Town Libraries
Caitlin Miller
University of Cape Town Libraries
Jeremiah Pietersen
University of Cape Town Libraries
Ellen Tise
Stellenbosch University Library
Jaya Raju
Library and Information Studies Centre, UCT
Robinah Kalemeera Namuleme
Nkumba University
Agnes Namaganda Kanzira
Makerere University
Lorraine J Haricombe
University of Texas Libraries
Mike Berrington
Nottingham Trent University Library
Notice Pasipamire
National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe
Jayshree Mamtora
Charles Darwin University
Gaby Haddow
Curtin University
Charlotte Beck
University of British Columbia
Elliot Shore
Association of Research Libraries
Kathleen Shearer
Association of Research Libraries