Building Strong LIS Education: A Call to Global and Local Action – An IFLA BSLISE Working Group White Paper


The Building Strong Library and Information Science Education (BSLISE) Working Group ( of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), is an initiative of the IFLA Sections on Education and Training, and Library Theory and Research, and the LIS Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Group. The BSLISE Working Group is pursuing the development of an international quality assurance framework that will guide and promote international educational standards in LIS. Its work considers the sociopolitical and technological developments that are inclusive of local and regional contexts. In its first phase of research, the group conducted an international survey to understand the qualification requirements for library and information “professional” practice around the world, inclusive of regional and national contexts. This White Paper is informed by the findings from this international survey.

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  • Building Strong LIS Education: A Call to Global and Local Action
    - An IFLA BSLISE Working Group White Paper


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Author Biography

IFLA BSLISE Working Group

The IFLA Building Strong Library and Information Science Education Working Group (BSLISE) ( is a collective of LIS educators, researchers and practitioners. It emerged after the 2016 IFLA Satellite Meeting as an initiative of the IFLA Sections on Education and Training, and Library Theory and Research, and the LIS Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Group.  It includes members from six regions of the world, representing twelve countries and twelve languages. They bring to the collective a range of expertise and experience, and a commitment to a global vision of excellence in LIS education anchored in local and sociopolitical realities. The inclusion of voices from the global north and south creates a robust space within which to develop a strong and sustainable LIS education.

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29 August 2018

Details about this monograph

IFLA BSLISE Working Group