

I am primarily indebted to Peter Flack. This book would not have happened without his friendship, encouragement and professional advice. Pete was with me every step of the way.
I am grateful to Clyde Broster for his wry and insightful input. To Gill Warren-Brown, my thanks for her friendship over the years, and for her editing skills that brought these pages to life. Thanks to Aleksandra Sumner-Priilaid for her brilliant artwork on the cover and to Katya Sumner-Priilaid for painstakingly compiling the index. Peter Bosman's creative design has, in turn, produced a great-looking book.

My deepest gratitude goes to my wonderful family: Anne, and my children Katya, Aleksandra and Daniel. Thanks to my mother, Jenny, for the words, and my father, Edgar, for the music. To Colleen, the big sister I never had, my thanks for all her patience.

I appreciate the friends who journeyed with me on this musical path: Yogi, Rex and Philip. Barry, Pat, Bird, and Cookie. Son and Werner, Donald Gordon, Pete Kantor, Theunis and Gill, Mike and Patsy, and Michael Meadows and Tony Barbour. Thanks also to my mates in the music club: Simon Howie, Alan Murchison, Alan Davidson, Ralph Diederichs, Chris Scott, Nie Paton, Andrew Hendrikse, MylesWillis, Nick Hazel and Mark Cunnington, as well as to Ian Koenigsfest and all others at UCT Radio.

To past friendships: Shaun, Garth, Derek, Bucky, James and Andrew K. Gone but not forgotten. Included too is Rhett Maxwell, and also Peter de Bruin, though not forgetting Philip Glasser, Andrew Shelton, and David van Niekerk.

To all UCT colleagues, and to friends near and far, my thanks for their encouragement and support during the period of this work.