Conference Proceedings of Adaptation Futures 2018
The Conference Proceedings are the product of the 2018 Adaptation Futures conference that was held in Cape Town from 18 – 21 June, co-hosted by UCT’s African Climate and Development Initiative (ACDI), the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) and UN Environment’s World Adaptation Science Programme (PROVIA). Adaptation Futures is the world’s premier international adaptation conference series and is held every two years. 2018 was the first time that this conference was held in Africa, and consequently, it aimed to focus on African and developing world linkages with adaptation.
The extended abstracts were submitted after the conference to allow the authors to absorb the conference insights into their work.
Climate change adaptation law and policy in the African Union: Creating legal pathways for adaptation
Crowdsourcing data and implementing on the ground projects that help people and nature in a changing climate
A changing Arctic - dialogues from the North
Urban climate resilience: European-African knowledge exchange toolbox
Innovative approaches in monitoring rapidly changing environments in different socio-economic contexts around the globe
High resolution thermal stress mapping in Africa: decision maps for urban planning in Johannesburg
Examining barriers and opportunities for sustainable adaptation to climate change for smallholder farmers in semi-arid Buhera District, Zimbabwe
Operationalising stakeholder insights for adaptation - best practices to engage stakeholders and bridge academic, government and local knowledge for action
Nation-wide interdisciplinary assessments of climate change impacts on agriculture for adaptation planning
Can rural climate services meet context-specific needs, and still be scalable?Experience from Rwanda
Local coping strategies for climate change around two Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Zanzibar
City-scan Rotterdam: a method to assess climate change vulnerabilities at street and neighborhood level
Adaptation finance ecosystem in The Netherlands
The reality and rhetoric of integrating climate change adaptation into economic sectors in Zimbabwe
Climate change adaptation and women’s property rights in East Africa: creating legal pathways for building the resilience of women
A tipping point for policy transformation: case studies of water management in South Korea and Germany
Risk perceptions and adaptation decision-making at farm-scale: a Nordic case study
Participatory vulnerability assessment and identification of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) measures: a field Experience from the mountains of Nepal
Can designing 'spaces for learning' inform collective learning in transboundary river management processes?
Optimising the de Martonne aridity index using adjustment values
Using the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) for short-term drought: a review
The relationship between crop yield, the SOI and rainfall data in the Ngqushwa local municipality, South Africa
CMIP5 GCM Selection for future climate simulations over Zvishavane, Zimbabwe
Monitoring vegetation dynamics and ecosystem service provision in semi-arid Bobirwa sub-district of Botswana using MODIS-NDVI time series data from 2000-2015
Responses to dynamics in ecosystem service provision in semi-arid Bobirwa sub-district, Limpopo Basin part of Botswana
Aligning theory and practice in urban resilience: development of a roadmap for climate resilient cities in the Netherlands
Towards creating actionable knowledge in rice farming systems in Northern Ghana: the role of information systems
How gender and culture affects natural-resource Based Livelihoods: the case of the Baka community in Cameroon
Climate change and migratory practices of pastoralists: challenges and implications for planning in Nigeria
Agricultural sustainability and food security in the 21st century: a review of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) in Africa
Towards promoting urban governance to make climate resilient intermediate cities in Latin America
Reflecting on the role of local governments, academic and international cooperation for developing actions on climate migration in Latin America
A MOOC on climate change mitigation and adaptation for Spanish primary and secondary teachers: education as a tool for increased action by Spanish-speaking students worldwide
Monitoring and evaluation (M&E): are local government actions contributing to successful adaptation?
Adaptation to climate change and public policy in Mexico: operability review
City level water forums: exploring innovations to address ‘too much and too little water’ in Dharan, an urbanising city of Nepal
Monitoring of short-lived snow coverage by SAR data around Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands in Antarctica
Cost of climate change adaptation in semi-arid regions - estimates from Maharashtra, India
How climate change adaptation interventions (trans)form the human-nature relationship: The prolonging of environmentality in Panchase, Nepal
An assessment of determinants of adaptive capacity of livestock farmers to climate change in Omusati Region, North Central Namibia
Working towards climate-resilient cities in southern Africa through an Embedded Researcher approach
A Case Study on multi-level governance between central and local Governments - an example of New Taipei City

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