Orthopaedics for Primary Health Care
Most patients with orthopaedic pathology in low- to middle-income countries are treated by non-specialists. The contents of this book is informed by a modified Delphi consensus study with experts from Africa, Europe, and North America, who provided guidance on prioritising knowledge topics, skills and cases concerning orthopaedic trauma and infection. The work is produced under the auspices of the Learning Innovation via Orthopaedic Network (LION) initiative, which aims to improve learning and teaching in Orthopaedics in Southern Africa. The book is therefore built on transformation through development of a student-centred curriculum and content. The authors are mostly orthopaedic surgeons and trainees in Southern Africa who have experience with local orthopaedic pathology and treatment modalities, as well as in medical education of undergraduate students and primary care physicians.
Full Textbook
Orthopaedic Emergencies
Basic Fracture Principles
Approach to Orthopaedic X-rays
Complications of Fractures
Open Fractures
Approach to the Multiply Injured Patient
Injuries of the Shoulder Girdle
Humeral Shaft Fractures
Acute Injuries Around the Elbow
Forearm Injuries
Distal Radius Fractures
Pelvis and Acetabulum Fractures
Hip fractures and dislocations
Femur Fracture
Knee dislocations
Ankle and Plafond Fractures
Lower Limb Soft Tissue Injuries
Upper limb soft tissue injuries
Common Soft Tissue Injuries
Foot fractures
Approach to an Injured Child
Paediatric Fractures: A General Approach
Non-Accidental Injuries in Children
Proximal Upper Limb Injuries in Children
Fractures of the Forearm and Wrist
Fractures of the Shoulder, Humerus and Elbow
Lower Limb Injuries in Children
Clubfoot (Congenital talipes equinovarus)
Bone and Joint Infection Basics
Acute Bone Infections in Adults
Chronic Bone Infections in Adults
Orthopaedic Infections in Children
Hand Infections
HIV in Orthopaedic Patients
Tuberculosis of the Spine
Approach to Bone Sarcomas
Common Bone Tumors
Acute Tendon Injuries
Metacarpal and Phalangeal Fractures
Scaphoid Fractures
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Dupuytrens Disease
Thumb base/carpo-metacarpal joint osteoarthritis
Wrist Ganglions
A General Approach to Orthopaedic History and Examination
Plaster of Paris Casts
Wound debridement

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